Tree of Life

PHOTO PROMPT © Sandra Crook


Inside the box were two necklaces. Each bore a pendant of an interwoven tree, delicately crafted, encircled by a ring of gold. Branches reached outwards, wiry roots dug deep into the bottom edge of the circle.

“They’re beautiful.” said Kelly.

“One for each of us.” Leigh fastened a necklace around her sister’s neck. “It’s the tree of life. Wherever you go, you’re always connected to me.”

Then she added with a sad smile, “And to mom and dad.”

Less than two years later Leigh was dead. Her husband imprisoned. Loneliness and grief filling the empty spaces left by the dead.

100 words


Inspired by an excerpt from my untitled WIP novel. Saw the tree and instantly thought of this scene. Modified it for flash fiction. Hope you enjoy it.

Written for Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle. Challenge yourself to write a story in 100 words or less.

Click to read more awesome flash fiction here.




12 thoughts on “Tree of Life

  1. And yet they are connected through the branches reaching out, this time all the way to the other side.
    Beautiful last line.
    Superb writing.

    Liked by 1 person

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