
I was a sailboat drifting upon your seas.

Navigating towards distant places,

behind the mists of your horizon.

Sun-beat, fresh varnish,

maiden voyage.

You were the ocean rippling

beneath me, reflecting infinities of overhanging skies.

Bahamas blue, glassy calm and


You became the tumultous waves

crashing on my bow,

ripping apart my sails.

Stinging saltwater seeping into my cracked hull.

Midnight blue, marbled through

with froth.

Sunken anchor.

Placid seas.

You spoke of love.

I hid my fear.


Shared with dVerse Poets Pub in a poetry challenge using metaphors.


photo: my own

10 thoughts on “Sailboat

  1. reminds me of this: “though your ship be sturdy, no mercy has the sea. will you survive the ocean of being?” – Peter Gabriel.

    how can we not fear drowning in love? but how else can we know that depth?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Had I been younger I’d not have understood that line at all. But life has shown me how its seas have no mercy. I guess the poem can be interpreted in the difficulties of love and the fear it evokes, the heartbreak. It can also be interpreted as an abusive one.


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