Snow globe

PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson

Nolly, the gnome, reclined on the bench. Life was good. For one thing you get all the dazzling, fluffy beauty of snow. Without the cold. Nolly shivered at a memory of frostbite on his large nose. He allowed his eyes to wander along the treetops to the clay-tiled rooftops where the perimeters began.

Perimeters of dome proportions that he couldn’t ever cross. Still, better than a November garden.

Beyond the perimeter, approached a dark shadow. Nolly gripped the bench tightly knowing the quaking would end soon enough. And all the tiny snowflakes would tumble gently over him in glorious splendour.

100 words

My first post for the decade! Nolly is a miniature garden gnome, of fairy-sized proportions, who has been up-cycled as a decorative feature in a snow globe.

Perhaps you will spare a thought for the inhabitants of your entrancing ornament the next time you shake it. 😉

Written for Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields, where the challenge is to write a story in 100 words or less. Click the frog to submit your own flash fiction and read what other’s have written.


37 thoughts on “Snow globe

  1. What a delightful and inventive take on the prompt! I love the line “He allowed his eyes to wander along the treetops to the clay-tiled rooftops where the perimeters began.” Perimeters is such a good description for the boundaries felt by someone inside the globe.

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