The baby box

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot

Bells chimed in the hallway. Doris waited a few seconds to give the bell-ringer time to leave. Or change their mind. Then she went downstairs, taking care with each step not to make a noise.

Doris heard the soft rustling of wool against cardboard. That alone told her she’d find a note with the baby that was gently waving limbs about, upsetting the carefully wrapped blankets. A mother’s last act of love in her desperation: “Please take care of my baby. His name is Edwin.”

It was seldom longer than that. A wet spot stained the note – tearful kiss.

99 words

Written for Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. The challenge is to write a story in 100 words or less. Click the frog to submit your flash fiction and join the Fictioneers!

31 thoughts on “The baby box

    1. I’ve based this story on an actual baby box near where I lived in Cape Town some years back. To save babies from being abandoned, a small charity group put up a mailbox-type container for mothers to anonymously place their babies. Sounds terrible to some. But the idea was that innocent babies could be saved from abandonment – when their parents are unable to take care of them. The babies would then be entered into orphanges, fostering and adoption programs. Thank you for your kind comment!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Ah, so word has got around she takes in the babies. I think the idea you describe in Cape Town is a saviour for these babies. I am sure there are a hundred reason why this situation has arisen.

    Thanks for the story.

    Liked by 2 people

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