Love Mules

PHOTO PROMPT © J Hardy Carroll

When security pulled me out of the line, moments before boarding my flight back home, I knew it was over. In a separate room, I watched as they opened my luggage, went through its contents, and finally discovered the plastic bullets of cocaine hidden inside deodorant canisters. I didn’t even try to deny anything. All I could think of was my baby, Yolanda, probably sleeping next to her grandma’s bed now. I yearned to give her everything.

“You’re allowed only one call. So make sure you call someone who can help you, okay?” a security officer advised me.

98 words

Written for Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle. Where the challenge is to write a story with 100 words or less.

Click the frog or here, to read more flash fiction.






44 thoughts on “Love Mules

    1. Dear Rochelle, Thank you! It is good to be back. I started writing a novel, and got sucked into first draft excitement and woes. So very happy to be back on flash fiction. 🙂
      Yes, hopefully she calls her family to let them know her situation and not the people she was trafficking drugs for.


  1. While it’s left open for interpretation, I have to believe she’ll do the right thing. However, guilt is one of those emotions that can take you in either direction. Great little story.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Who does she call? Interestingly enough drug mules waste that one call on the drug traffickers that set them up, thinking they will help bail them out. But of course they don’t. Hopefully she doesn’t do that. Thanks for reading Jen!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. As it was the case in a different entry, she could call the president. Not that it would make any difference. This was beautiful and very depressing at the same time. Well written.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Very well told.
    There are so many angles here. A desperate mom — yet never thinking the guys she’s working for today will be in the school yard trying to hook her daughter a few years down the line, or the moms selling their children to pay for the drugs she’s delivering.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I kind of feel sad for the lady because she feels like a single mom who had been doing it for her daughter . Though of course , it is terribly illegal and it might just be her way of consoling herself , now that she is caught. Good security advisor , though.
    Perhaps , she calls the father of her child who happens to be a big boss in a law enforcement agency. Of course, to no avail either . Such a terrific story, Fatima.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. Yes you got it all right. She is a single mom, desperate for money for some reason, though I hinted it had to do with her child. The perfect target for drug traffickers recruiting drug mules. On a border control tv show, this is exactly what the officers advise. Because instead of calling family to inform them of their situation, and not leave them wondering where they disappeared to when they don’t return, they foolishly call the traffickers who set them up. And of course they get no help from them.

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