When two become one

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Everything was blurry. Bushra blinked the tears away. Placing her right hand over her chest she felt the beating inside her breast. Slow and steady. Just like he was.

A year ago she was given a new lease on life. Never did she imagine it would be without him.

A weak heart, the doctors’ had explained to her mother when she was born. She wasn’t supposed to live past her teen years.

The road was wet, explained the policeman. Lost control of his motorbike.

Now, he would never know that he saved her life. Thank you my love, she whispered.

100 words



(I really hope this story makes sense. And that it isn’t too vague.)

Written for Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Write a story in 100 words or less. Click the frog to submit your flash fiction and read others’.


Happy Valentines Day!

I hope you love with all of your heart, without conditions.

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