First impressions

PHOTO PROMPT © Nathan Sowers (courtesy of Dawn M. Miller)


Ruby Johnson hung the mirror near the front door. A special mirror that showed man’s true nature. But only on the first reflection. After that it showed up meaningless different colours like a mood ring.

Her husband’s image had glowed a brilliant white. So she married him. Her friend Nina, a dull purplish-gray. That friendship didn’t last. Now its latest revelation perplexed her.

Her son, who had till now been too short to be reflected in the mirror, turned it to a chalky black speckled with red. She did what any mother would do. She smashed the mirror to smithereens.

100 words

“Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the fairest of us all?” What an awesome image this week. Thanks to Nathan Sowers courtesy of Dawn Miller.

I wish I had this mirror. Wonder if it would make navigating through life easier? Unless it tells you a truth you’d rather not believe in.

Written for Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Write a story in 100 words or less.

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The Antique Store

PHOTO PROMPT © Sarah Ann Hall


“Do you believe in magic, Uncle Joe?” Little Farida asked as they strolled through an antique store.

“Black magic, maybe.” he mumbled, then pursed his lips and replied, “No, not really.”

Farida trailed her fingers on old trinkets, polished to a high sheen. Twenty years ago, his answer might have been different. The naivety of youth was magic in itself. Opportunities abounded, dreams were limitless and life never-ending. Then we grew up and traded magic for mortgages.

He watched his niece contemplate a row of coloured vases. “You know djinn live inside bottles?”

An enchanted smile lit up Farida’s face.


100 words

Sometimes when I feel jaded with the world, I wish I could go back to my teens. I’d do things differently. Take more chances for sure. The youth may be naive but in a way it is a blessing. It gives them the, admittedly blind, courage to take risks with a much bigger space to learn from mistakes. ( I hope I remember this when my daughter is a teenager!! I might take back my words!)

I added the black magic bit because in these parts of the world, the practice of and belief in it is widespread crossing different backgrounds and religions too.  A black magic conference voted Botswana as having the most powerful black magic in Africa. (Weird but true.) Me, personally, I don’t give it much thought – other than in my fiction writing.

Written for Friday Fictioneers hosted by leading author Rochelle. The challenge is to write a story with 100 words or less.

Click here to read more flash fiction.
