The rich man by the sea

PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson


Moonlight glinted off crystal glasses. Patrons dined al fresco on fish caught from the sea that lapped close by. He inhaled, salty but fresh. So different than the village he grew up in. Some men huddled at the bar, sneaked glances at him, sneers and frowns. Words sailed on moonlight. “Darkie”. “Probably stole to get rich.” “They’re all crooks.”

He guessed even his accented English would be an affront. To them, a sign of lower intelligence. Apartheid ended years ago, but the prejudiced were enslaved by their egos and twisted logic. A much harder trap to flee.

97 words



In general South Africa is a caring, connected community that at times even overcomes its prejudices to shine brightly amongst humanity. This is merely an illustration of the more subtle prejudices and stereotypes that people may have against one another, seemingly harmless, but simmering under the surface.


Written for the 100 word challenge Friday Fictioneers hosted by the awesome Rochelle, who writes mainly from the persecutive of the Jewish experience of the holocaust (and so much more). I’d strongly recommend heading over to her blog to read some very interesting posts.

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52 thoughts on “The rich man by the sea

  1. Dear Fatima,

    As you may have guessed, racism makes my blood boil. I wish people could see that our differences are only skin deep. “If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh?”
    Well done, my dear.



    Liked by 1 person

  2. It is often the same among Native Americans here in the USA, as well as African-Americans, Amer-asians…the list goes on. Prejudice has no boundaries, sadly so. Excellent write.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Very true. And it’s not just whites against non whites. But black people prejudiced against Asians for example. And vice versa. Usually upholding long held misconceptions of the other. Thank you for your wonderful comment.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. We lived in the Canary Islands for years, where a black friend always drove a cheap car because if he drove an expensive one the police kept stopping him to s=check he hadn’t stolen it.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Very well portrayed, Fatima. I often wonder what thoughts cross others’ minds when someone of colour shows signs of wealth… for too long it has been many people’s reality

    Liked by 1 person

      1. The one with Sandra Bullock, Matt Dillon, and so many others, not the one with James Spader which is a whole ‘nother subject!

        Liked by 1 person

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